Patrick Daniel says it’s all the environmentalists’ fault.
- If you want to understand Enbridge, look to the top | PIPELINE OBSERVER - [...] had occasion to mention Daniel before. The reason we’re thinking about him again today is that we just read a flattering…
- If you want to understand Enbridge, look to the top | Line 6B Citizens' Blog - [...] had occasion to mention Daniel before. The reason we’re thinking about him again today is that we just read…
Awwwww, poor poor Enbridge. Those people who prefer clean water to toxic sludge are just a bunch of meanies.
“Revolutionaries”? I’m not even sure how to take that, but it’s very funny.
What did someone do? Put on their scuba gear, take the hammer out of the garage and break it open? Come on! Environmentalists fault! Is that what a CEO calls an intelligent response these days?