After a few days taking care of other business, we’ve been playing a little catch-up on the blog today. But we haven’t caught up enough; there’s more we’re trying to get to. Such as:

  • the latest news on the federal suit filed by POLAR–and some of it is good!
  • a little construction update: the dozers are coming our way!
  • and our state Rep. Brad Jacobsen has promised us a letter; we can hardly wait!

Now two quick appeals:

  1. Our friends at POLAR are hoping to have members from every county and township along the route. Please consider joining. There is no obligation; you don’t have to donate to join. But if you are concerned about the way Enbridge conducts business and you support efforts to ensure that they respect state and local laws and citizen concerns, then you should consider becoming a member. You can join here:
  2. This one’s a little shameless and we’ve been avoiding asking. But: this humble blog is nearing 10,000 total views– not bad in just a few months, but certainly nothing compared, say, to your average Justin Bieber tweet. And anyway, we’re not in it for the glory; mainly we just want to keep our fellow landowners informed. However, the more light that gets shed on Enbridge, the more public pressure we can exert, the better for everyone involved or interested (and that should include every Michigander). Perhaps we can even rouse some elected officials out of their deep slumber. So we’re asking: if you’re a regular reader of the blog or just an occasional one, please help us build our audience. Become a subscriber (at the top right of your window). Share our posts with your friends and acquaintances and neighbors by email or on Facebook (especially Facebook!). “Like” them, “Tweet” them, Google + them or otherwise help disseminate them in whatever way you can think of. Thank you in advance!