We sincerely hope that all of our readers who have dealt with Enbridge were able to figure out how to report to the IRS. Enbridge– as one might expect– did not make it easy by reporting payments on the wrong form (or so tax experts told me). But to bring a little levity to a day that’s typically not much fun for anyone, we thought we’d share this brilliantly hilarious parody. Enjoy!
Jeff, can you elaborate on what you heard regarding enbridge using the wrong tax form.
Thanks, Linda Klais lklais@comcast.net
Sure, Linda– but remember that I’m no tax attorney! It is my understanding that instead of form 1099-misc, they should have issued to us form 1099-s. And they should have put compensation for damages and payment for pipeline receipts and TWS in different boxes, if not in separate forms altogether. Does that help? Hope you got yours sorted out!
Jeff, could you e-mail me privately regarding our 1099’s. They did not separate the amounts,ie: damages &
lease. How did you get those two separated? thanks, Linda
Sorry Jeff, just saw your reply, thanks. LInda