This morning, more outstanding reporting by David Hasemyer at Inside Climate News. More than anything else we’ve read, this one accurately gets to the heart of citizen resistance to Line 6B. Here, for example, is Kim Savage, who has always gotten it. She

said people understand the need for a new pipeline but object to the unsympathetic way Enbridge has gone about dealing with them and the evasive answers the company has given to questions.

“Enbridge simply needs to be more honest and forthcoming.”

And here is landowner Ken Weathers:

“I sure hope now Enbridge has a better understanding of the personal anxiety they have been causing people,” Weathers said. “It’s the principle of the thing.”

And Debbie Hense

wishes Enbridge would be more respectful of not only the trees she loves but of every landowner who faces the uninvited demolition and construction.

As we’ve said before and as we’ve tried to explain to Enbridge, it didn’t have to be this way. Had Enbridge treated landowners fairly and with respect from the beginning– as they claim to do– they wouldn’t be facing what Carl Weimer calls this “extraordinary” resistance. We wonder whether they’re listening now.