This just in: our friend Robert Whitesides was right. Remember the activity over in Capac that Enbridge spokesman Jason Manshum said was for integrity work on Line 5? Well, now that same Jason Manshum says that it’s actually a staging area for the Line 6B replacement project, just as Whitesides said (and as we wondered). Of course, it’s a staging for a project for which Enbridge still does not have approval, but still…

Which has us once again scratching our heads and wondering why it is that Enbridge can’t just be forthright from the beginning. Why can’t they just be “open and honest,” as they claim to be? There’s so little to be gained by dissembling to Maria Brown of the Tri-City Times (and kudos to her for staying on the story!) and so much to be lost– namely, their credibility and the trust of their stakeholders. It really defies logic.