The latest update from our ROW agent tells us that the survey team is well ahead of the construction crew, headed east. They have reached Hensel road. The clearing crew has crossed Buckhorn Lake road and pipe has been placed on top of the ground from highway 23 to Denton hill road. A long stretch of pipe, starting at highway 23 going east, has been welded.   

This afternoon, we took a long drive to see this first-hand and took a lot of pictures (they are not for the squeamish). We can certainly confirm the accuracy of this update. After Buckhorn Lake to Milford Rd. it was only survey work.

Appropriately, it was a wet, dreary day for witnessing all the destruction, though despite it all, we enjoyed some pretty autumn foliage and were reminded– when our view was not obscured by construction equipment– of how lovely Tyrone and Rose Townships are.