The new Brandon Township Board of Trustees is meeting tonight. On the agenda is a “presentation” from Enbridge– on what we don’t know, though we suspect it’s going to be a (frustrating) Line 6B “replacement” 101 for the new board members–and a closed session to discuss further litigation.

It is our understanding, however, that Brandon and Enbridge have recently been in talks, trying to negotiate some sort of agreement. Talks and agreements, we suppose, are good things. But it still irritates us to an end that Enbridge can treat a set of legal requirements– gathering permits, complying with local ordinances and state laws– as things that are negotiable. Perhaps we’ll try to negotiate with our township the next time they want us to get a building permit…

At any rate, the meeting is at 7 pm tonight at the Brandon Township offices. We’ll be there and we encourage you to attend as well. It could be interesting. Plus, it’s a rare opportunity for ordinary landowners to actually gaze upon the elusive and exotic creatures known as Enbridge executives. Ordinarily, they only show themselves to newspaper editorial boards.