Just how many landowners along Line 6B are displeased? There’s no way to know, despite Enbridge’s dissembling. A better question is how many unhappy landowners does Enbridge think is acceptable? We’ve talked to dozens. A number of them have told their stories here. How many others have chosen to simply suffer and stew silently (and perhaps helplessly)?
We raise these questions (again) because we happened to have occasion to speak with a Phase One landowner this afternoon that we don’t really know. We listened to him speak for a good 15 minutes about the awful experience he’s had with Enbridge, an experience that is still not over. (For the record, we did not bring the subject up.) At present, like so many others, he’s waiting and wondering to hear from Enbridge about any number of unsettled matters on his property. The takeaway from his 3-plus year experience with Enbridge: “These guys have treated us terrible,” he said.
As we’ve said before, for every unhappy landowner we know about who is frustrated with and angry at Enbridge, there are surely 5 more whom we have never met, who have never spoken a word publicly. This makes it awfully hard to believe Enbridge when they say they value landowner relationships.
My name is Tom Pliura. I am an attorney and I am representing several hundred landowners in Central Illinois as relates to Enbridge’s plan to build a pipeline in Central Illinois. I need to speak personally with some actual landowners who are willing to speak with me on the record (not off the record). We are proceeding in the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) and I will need to file testimony regarding, among other things, the fitness of Enbridge to construct, operate and maintain a pipeline. We have been hearing similar stories over and over from Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. I need someone who is willing to go down on record. If anyone is willing to speak with me, please call my law office at (309) 962-2299. Or e-mail me: tom.pliura@zchart.com
You can Google search “Tom Pliura Enbridge Pipeline” to find out about the matter. Thanks.
Tom- I am willing to talk with you on the record. And I can probably send you some names and contact info directly if you’d like me to. Let me know.
Tom, I sent you an email. I don’t just live along Enbridge Line 6B; I’m a professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, with a Ph.D. in Applied Earth Sciences from a top university. These are fields very much related to Enbridge’s work and I have been giving talks at universities and international science/engineering conferences on this topic.
WANTED: Indiana Attorney to represent two seniors in action that involves Enbridge pipeline construction, damaging their property and home. Many photos and documents available. call 219-947-1557 e-mail master.1212@yahoo.com