Took a morning run with my dog Murphy today on the land of the Potawatomi now called northwest Indiana and found myself thinking how grateful I am for all of the water protectors and land defenders and fire keepers out there, all the pipeline fighters and safety advocates, the climate activists and the keep-it-in-the-grounders, the disgruntled landowners and outraged citizen activists, the passionate young and the resilient old, the nature lovers and the lovers of the Great Lakes, the birders and the wildlife conservationists, the tree huggers and hippies and greens and enviros, the lefties, socialists, commies, and EJ- and SJ- and eco-warriors, the environmental attorneys and the environmental humanists, the long-sighted policy makers and the direct action activists– all the people undeterred by the unimaginative naysayers saying what can’t be done, the people working instead to ensure a habitable planet for the future and trying to envision and build a more just world devoted to the collective, mutual, interconnected flourishing of all human and nonhuman life. I see you. I give you my thanks.